
To Be Verbs Chart

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If you’re studying French, you need to get a handle on French verbs. Luckily, there’s a pattern to conjugating regular French verbs into the simple and compound tenses, so once you know how to conjugate one, you know hundreds! Learn how to give commands, directions, or requests by studying the imperative conjugations of French verbs. You can also check out these five frequently mixed-up verbs.

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Conjugating the Simple Tenses of Regular French Verbs

To be verbs chart third grade

If the infinitive of a regular French verb ends in –er, -ir, or –re, you can follow a fixed pattern in conjugating the verb. If you learn to conjugate one verb in each of the groups, you will know how to conjugate hundreds of others. The following chart has the conjugation of the five simple tenses of three common regular verbs: parler (to speak), finir (to finish), and vendre (to sell). Just take the appropriate stem for each tense and add the required ending.

Regular -er Verb Endings
Tense (stem)jetuil/elle/onnousvousils/elles
Present (parl)-e-es-e-ons-ez-ent
Imperfect (parl)-ais-ais-ait-ions-iez-aient
Future (parler)-ai-as-a-ons-ez-ont
Conditional (parler)-ais-ais-ait-ions-iez-aient
Subjunctive (parl)-e-es-e-ions-iez-ent
Regular -ir Verb Endings
Tense (stem)jetuil/elle/onnousvousils/elles
Present (fini)-s-s-t-ssons-ssez-ssent
Imperfect (finiss)-ais-ais-ait-ions-iez-aient
Future (finir)-ai-as-a-ons-ez-ont
Conditional (finir)-ais-ais-ait-ions-iez-aient
Subjunctive (finiss)-e-es-e-ions-iez-ent
Regular -re Verb Endings
Tense (stem)jetuil/elle/onnousvousils/elles
Present (vend)-s-s(nothing)-ons-ez-ent
Imperfect (vend)-ais-ais-ait-ions-iez-aient
Future (vendr)-ai-as-a-ons-ez-ont
Conditional (vendr)-ais-ais-ait-ions-iez-aient
Subjunctive (vend)-e-es-e-ions-iez-ent

Conjugating Compound Tenses with Regular French Verbs

To conjugate French compound tenses, you need an auxiliary verb, usually avoir (to have) or être (to be), plus the past participle of the desired verb. The following example shows French compound tenses conjugated with the past participles of parler (to speak) with avoir as the auxiliary and arriver (to arrive) with être as the auxiliary.

Creating Compound Tenses with the Auxiliary Avoir (Parler)
Passé Composéai parléas parléa parléavons parléavez parléont parlé
Pluperfectavais parléavais parléavait parléavions parléaviez parléavaient parlé
Future Perfectaurai parléauras parléaura parléaurons parléaurez parléauront parlé
Past Conditionalaurais parléaurais parléaurait parléaurions parléauriez parléauraient parlé
Past Subjunctiveaie parléaies parléait parléayons parléayez parléaient parlé
To Be Verbs Chart
Creating Compound Tenses with the Auxiliary Être (Arriver)
Passé Composésuis arrivé (e)es arrivé (e)est arrivé (e)sommes arrivés (es)êtes arrivé (e)(s) (es)sont arrivés (es)
Pluperfectétais arrivé (e)étais arrivé (e)était arrivé (e)étions arrivés (es)étiez arrivé (e) (s) (es)étaient arrivés (es)
Future Perfectserai arrivé (e)seras arrivé (e)sera arrivé (e)serons arrivés (es)serez arrivé (e) (s) (es)seront arrivés (es)
Past Conditionalserais arrivé (e)serais arrivé (e)serait arrivé (e)serions arrivés (es)seriez arrivé (e) (s) (es)seraient arrivés (es)
Past Subjunctivesois arrivé (e)sois arrivé (e)soit arrivé (e)soyons arrivés (es)soyez arrivé (e) (s) (es)soient arrivés (es)

Imperative Forms of French Verbs

In French, the imperative mood expresses an order, request, or directive and is created with regular verbs by using the verb directly and eliminating the subject pronoun. The imperative uses the present tense of most verbs and the conjugations of three subject pronouns: tu (when speaking to someone familiar), vous (when speaking to someone unfamiliar, older, a group, or a superior), and nous (when including yourself in the group). Regular er, -ir, and re verbs follow the same pattern in commands as shown in the following example, along with an example of a command using a pronominal verb and pronoun.

To Have Verb Chart

Parler (to speak)Finir (to finish)Vendre (to sell)Se laver (to wash)