Circuitmaker Export To Altium
Fourth and last video in my Altium Circuitmaker tutorial series. I show you how to export your PCB to a Gerber file, so that you can have it fabricated. I'm making the switch to KiCad from Circuitmaker, mainly because of losing. Within the capability of programmers to write export libraries to other tools. In Altium format does a.
A collection of scripts and tools to make my life easier while using Altium Designer or CircuitMaker.
There's more information here, but the most useful script here is
, which can convert images to native EAGLE components, to be imported into CircuitMaker.
Circuitmaker Pcb
Converts a 1-bit bitmap image into an EAGLE component on the specified layer. This was written because CircuitMaker's importer (via File->Import) for EAGLE files is great.
Conveniently this script is also great for importing images into EAGLE, too.
To use, open
and set the desired variable in the top portion, then run the script.
The input image must be a 1-bit bitmap. In Photoshop this is done by converting to grayscale in Image->Mode->Greyscale
and then converting to bitmap in Image->Mode->Bitmap
.In GIMP, this is done through the menu in Image->Mode->Indexed
. Then save as BMP.
pip install image
Grabs test/pcb split.svg
and converts all objects to CircuitMaker-formatted CSV files for importing into shape objects.
pip install svg.path
Grabs PCB-sl13nw6fpl4rim5mrg3x-1.PcbLib
(a CircuitMaker Library) as an OLE document extracts all binary blobs to the ole
pip install olefile
pip install oletools
This doesn't really work, was intended to read binary data in the clipboard.
Note!This course price will increase to $50 as of 1st Feb 2019 from $40. The price will increase regularly due to updated content. Get this course while it is still low.
Circuitmaker Export To Altium
What is this course about:
This course is a first of its kind in which you will learn from start to finish on how to design your very own custom Tiny Arduino Printed Circuit Board (PCB). This course will help you to improve your PCB design skills which will help you to get started freelancing or to get a job in PCB design with Altium CircuitMaker being one of the top FREE PCB design tools used around the world.
What is expect in this course:
I will show you how to get started in the world of PCB design using Altium CircuitMaker
I show you how to download and install Altium CircuitMaker as well as demystify the user interface.
I take you step-by-step on how to find and download the component library for the Tiny Arduino.
How to recreate the Arduino Nanite Schematic in Altium CircuitMaker as well as wiring components in Schematic view
I show you how to transfer your schematic into PCB view as well as define the board shape
Once the board shape is defined, I show you how to place components on the board, create a multilayer board ( we are going to use 4-6 layers) .
For a 4 layer board, I teach you how to route between layers and how to strategically place components on to the board design.
Show you how to autoroute, when you are faced with a complex design to save time.
Correct your design and eliminate design errors before sending them to your manufacturer. This will save you money for numerous design iterations
Finally I teach you how to create Gerber files, which are files that your manufacturer can read to create your Printed Circuit Board.
This course will be updated regularly with new lectures, resources, quizzes and content.
Circuitmaker Vs Altium Designer
- Learn basic to intermediate PCB design
- Want to create your own custom Tiny Arduino Printed Circuit Board (PCB).
- Want to get a job in PCB design
- Want to learn Altium CircuitMaker in the shortest possible time.
- Want to get started creating cool gadgets.
- Have a tech kickstarter idea, that you want to get of the ground.
- Become a Maker.