Choco Package Manager
Chocolatey is a cool package manager for Windows. It is built on the NuGet There is a free package manager called Chocolatey. In fact, Chocolatey is a package manager for Windows.
Well 'them' me and my team.It's likely building on top of NuGet was a mistake on my part, but it's all there was at the time and it was pretty easy to get started. We don't need the tools folder and we don't like the content folder.
Since Chocolatey does everything once the NuGet package is in place related to automation scripts, it doesn't really matter that v3 doesn't support the pre or post scripts. I started working with the NuGet team a couple of summers ago about making the format more flexible, this was just as v3 work was starting to get ramped up.
Chocolatey Install Windows
At some point Chocolatey will likely not have any dependencies on NuGet itself, but will be compatible with NuGet packaging formats. To move more towards a machine package manager there are more things you need in the specification (like what versions of Windows does a package support as metadata, dependencies per OS, optional dependencies, virtuals, etc). Things that NuGet proper may never need.
My point being, Chocolatey has done a lot of growing up over the last year with a complete rewrite in C#, and will continue to grow up into a full fledged package manager over the next couple of years. There are some fundamental things we are still working out, but there are some amazing things in the pipeline coming for Chocolatey.
For whether we'd move from one format to the next isn't really a choice, it's a must. We'll need to do it in a backwards compatible way.