
Canon Photo Editor For Windows 10

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I've lost the install disks that came with my 500D and I was wondering if there was any better software for editing Canon RAW files. I Had a quick skim of the Canon website and couldn't find anything.

Omar KoohejiOmar Kooheji

16 Answers

Raw Therapee is an excellent piece of software and it's free.

John CavanJohn Cavan

Dec 31, 2018 - Free photo editing software can transform your photos from 'OK' to 'amazing', but there are so many programs around it can be hard to know. Dec 12, 2018 - Canon Digital Photo Professional. Free Download 192,64 MB. Edit RAW photos'. A review by Flo. Note: you should have installed Canon EOS.

Short answer: RawTherapee

Almost everything uses DCRaw under the hood at least for reading in the RAW data.The differences come with the demosaicing algorithms.RawTherapee offers several such algorithms but the one to note is AMaZE, its the one you want.

The comparison page on RawTherapee's website doesn't contain the new AMaZE algorithm but this will show you the kind of differences you will see with different algorithms.

RawTherapee was free for a long time but now it is free and open source. It is being actively developed in the open as I write this.

Here's someone's brief review of RT.


Darktable is a fairly new project but it looks very promising and has some great functionality already.


Yes. Download a copy of Canon's Digital Photo Professional from the Canon website (at least in the US). Canon has changed their download policy and now grants access to the full installers, rather than just updaters. You no longer have to have the original disk to download the software utilities that come in the box with the camera. You simply need the serial number of your camera.

There are, of course, also good open-source alternatives for RAW conversion, most of them based upon DCRaw. Good open source packages to consider would include UFRaw (most typically as a plugin for the GIMP), or if you prefer an Adobe Lightroom-like interface, DarkTable, PHotivo, and RAWTherapee.


The Gimp is an excellent photo editor, but lacks support for RAW images. However, there is a plugin you can get for it that will enable it to open the files.

Nathan OsmanNathan Osman

Picasa is a nice simple photo editor that's free, and it will take in RAW files.


Don't forget the De-Facto raw conversion utility DCRaw.

It's very user unfriendly (read: command line only), but most available RAW converters are at least somewhat based on it, since it's open source, and largely BSD licensed.

Fake NameFake Name

I also recommend checking out Scarab Darkroom. It is often praised for its intuitive user interface and is also relatively fast. [Disclaimer: I'm the developer]

Cornelius ScarabeusCornelius Scarabeus

I'm a linux user and I was looking for a great open source software like Adobe light room, I used Darktable at first, but soon I realized that It doesn't support NEF nikon d5300 files (Nikon RAW files). I now use Lightzone it is a great piece of software and I'm very happy with it.

Many filters of Lightroom is there for you for free like clarity, HUE, b&w, blur, and so.


My suggestion goes for LIGHTZONE: http://lightzoneproject.org/

Unique software that is now developed open source.It has a useful graphical zones tool hence the name. Furthermore each tool is on its own layer, which allows to achieve some creative effects. Multi platform too.


If you can spare fifty quid Bibble is pretty amazing. If not, ufraw and Picasa should cover it.

Max SangMax Sang

Sorry but another simple answer here.Irfanview is a pretty neat and fast editor I use. Easy to install plugins and I make sure it uses the Canon dlls for processing raw files.

Free photo editor for windows

In a nutshell I use it to post process my RAW files into jpegs.I shoot CR2 for everything and then use scripts to do the following1. Copy RAW files from card to computer2. Convert to jpg, adjusting the quality and size to be 2048 at the longest edge *3. Call exiftool to copy EXIF information from the CR2 file into the jpg. **4. Go through card for anything else. Ie copy across movies or resample any in camera jpgs into lower quality ones.5. Run synctoy to backup images.6. Run picasa to sync to web7. MANUAL step. Go through RAW files on the computer and keep the best ones, deleting the rest.

  • I use Picasa as a backup solution. With a Google+ account you are allowed free storage for images upto 2048 at the longest edge. With my trusty 400D nothing comes out greater than 1936 anyway.** In camera jpgs have the right EXIF data. Irfan does not copy exif data when converting from RAW to jpg, only between jpg to jpg. This is an intended feature not a bug.

Sorry for the verbose answer. Hopefully it helps someone.


If you have a Canon camera that shoots RAW, you should be able to download Digital Photo Professional for free from the Canon website. It's good software - I used it exclusively for three years before moving to Lightroom, and I notice that DPP has had some additional tools added to it since then. You shouldn't have to have the original install disks to do this.


I use the Free Zoner Photo Studio 17 to edit Canon RAW files. It will open and edit RAW files and then convert them to JPEGs of TIFFs or other file formats. I prefer to retain version 17 on my computer although there is a new version 18 available as a Free download simply because v18 requires you to be connected to the internet for it to work. You can upgrade to a pay version for extra functionality, but at the moment I am finding the free version very useful.


Desi PowellDesi Powell

DigiKam https://www.digikam.org/ is very powerful and feature rich.


Canon Photo Editor For Windows 7

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